Code of Conduct and Ethics

Code of Conduct and Ethics


The Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy sets out the ethical principles and professional standards of conduct that all employees employed by Carestaff Nursing are expected to adopt in the course of their employment, and in the performance of their duties.


This policy applies to all employees and is additional to the legal, moral and duty of care obligations required.

Policy Statements

​Carestaff is committed to maintaining a Code of Conduct and Ethics that outlines the standards of behaviour expected of employees; their rights; and ethical standards expected of them to promote sound professional behaviour in order to safeguard the welfare of our Clients and the integrity of Carestaff.

Our organisational values, moral imperatives and ethical principles will form the basis for the development of this code.

Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Ethics can result in disciplinary action that may lead to the termination of employment with Carestaff.


Carestaff: Means the legal entity Carestaff Nursing Services.
Client: A Client is defined as an entity who receives support services from Carestaff.
Code of Conduct: “Carestaff’s Code of Conduct Expectations and Rights” provided at Document A.
Code of Ethics: A set of principles by which behaviour can be judged to be right or wrong. “Carestaff’s Code of Ethics for Employees” is provided at Document A.
Employees: All permanent, part-time, contract and casual employees in the employment of Carestaff.


The General Manager in consultation with the Management Team will issue and maintain a Code of Conduct and Ethics which applies to all Carestaff employees.

Performance Standards

  • All employees fully understand and comply with the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
  • All employees have access to the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
  • Alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct and Ethics are reported to a employee’s immediate supervisor.

Consultation Process:

General Manager, Clinical Nurse, Managers and Employees

Implementation Responsibility

​General Managers, Managers and Employees

Document A


In order to achieve Our Purpose – all employees are expected to be familiar with, abide by, and uphold the Code of Conduct and Ethics at all times.

The Code of Conduct and Ethics sets the standards for the way we work at Carestaff and the values we hold as an organisation. It provides a practical set of guiding principles to help you make decisions in your day to day work, whatever you do and wherever you do it, and outlines the expectations and rights of all Carestaff employees. The Code of Conduct and Ethics is supported by relevant legislation and policies that can be found on Carestaff’s nurse portal

By conducting ourselves and carrying out our role in a professional and ethical manner at all times, we are reflecting our values, and the principles contained in this Code of Conduct and Ethics. This will contribute to a positive organisational culture and result in a professional, safe and healthy work environment.

This Code of Conduct and Ethics has been endorsed by the management.


It is expected that you will:

  • perform your duties with professionalism and integrity;
  • be conscientious in the performance of your duties and exercise honesty, integrity and sensitivity in your work;
  • be alert to areas in which services could be improved or in which difficulties are experienced;
  • strive to continually improve the services provided;
  • provide an environment that is free from harassment or discrimination on the grounds of gender, marital status, sexual preference, pregnancy, race, age, impairment, religious or political conviction.

Conduct towards Clients

It is expected that you will:

  • immediately report any incident that appears to involve mistreatment of or cruelty;
  • not engage in mistreatment of, cruelty or inappropriate behaviour in any form;
  • not sexually harass or discriminate against clients on the grounds of gender, marital status, sexual preference, pregnancy, race, age, impairment, religious or political conviction;
  • not strike or use physical force against clients;
  • never swear, shout or be verbally abusive in any way towards clients;
  • display a positive attitude towards clients and their families;
  • respect client’s rights and opinions and encourage client participation in decisions which affect them;
  • give clients the opportunity to gain knowledge and learn new skills;
  • ensure that clients are informed of their rights and responsibilities and what clients can do if they have a grievance with an individual or Carestaff;
  • maintain confidentiality on matters of a personal nature that relate to clients;

Conduct towards Fellow Staff

It is expected that you will:

  • treat staff with respect and courtesy, not sexually harass or discriminate against them on the grounds of gender, marital status, sexual preference, pregnancy, race, age, impairment, or religious or political conviction;
  • only discuss concerns involving another staff member/volunteer with that staff member/volunteer and/or management, not with other staff members/volunteers;
  • maintain confidentiality on matters of a personal nature relating to staff/volunteers;
  • not allow personal relationships, inside or outside the work environment to adversely affect your work performance or that of other staff/volunteers.

Compliance with Policy and Lawful Directions

It is expected that you will:

  • comply with Carestaff's policies and procedures;
  • obey any lawful direction given by your supervisor or any other person having the authority to give direction;
  • adhere to legislative and contractual obligations placed on Carestaff.

Conflict of Interest

It is expected that you will:

  • not allow private interests to adversely affect your performance or impartiality;
  • not give preference to any person or organisation as a result of any private association with that person or organisation;
  • make an immediate disclosure to your supervisor when it is considered that a conflict of interest might arise for you or other families of staff;
  • advise your supervisor or manager where any benefit has been offered or received from an outside source;
  • not seek to unduly influence any person to obtain promotion, transfer or other advantage.

Dress Standards

It is expected that your dress and personal presentation will:

  • enhance the community perception of Clients;
  • be appropriate to the work setting, giving full effect to occupational health and safety requirements;
  • enhance the professional and business standing of Carestaff;
  • comply with Carestaff’s Dress Code Policy.

Use of Official Information

It is expected that you will:

  • not use information gained about Carestaff's operations to improperly gain any kind of advantage for yourself or for another person or organisation;
  • not pass on information gained about Carestaff's families, Clients or customers to other people or organisations without the necessary consents being obtained

Use of Alcohol and Drugs

It is expected that you will:

  • attend the workplace free from the influence of illicit drugs and alcohol, and not consume alcohol or drugs that may affect your performance in the workplace;
  • notify your supervisor of any medication that you have prescribed that may affect your performance;
  • report concerns about working with other staff/ volunteers you perceive to be a safety risk due to drug/ alcohol use to the manager/ supervisor as soon as possible;
  • drink only in moderation and within legal limits when representing Carestaff at official functions;

Contact with the Media and the Public

It is expected that you will:

  • not contact or discuss issues pertaining to Carestaff with the media without the appropriate authorisation in accordance with the Media Relations policy;
  • not comment publicly on issues pertaining to Carestaff without authorisation in accordance with the Public Comment policy.

Occupational Health and Safety

It is expected that you will:

  • co-operate in ensuring that the highest possible health and safety standards are maintained through all Carestaff's Client facilities;
  • take reasonable care to ensure your own safety at work and avoid adversely affecting the health, safety and welfare of any other person;
  • use or wear any protective equipment or clothing required to be used or worn;
  • immediately report any situation at the workplace which may constitute a hazard to any person;
  • report any accident or incident immediately.


You have a right to:

  • work in an environment which, as far as is practical, is free from exposure to hazards;
  • refuse to work where there is a risk of imminent and serious injury or harm;
  • be given clear expectations of required performance;
  • object to directions which you believe, on reasonable grounds, are illegal, improper or against your particular religious beliefs or philosophy;
  • work in an environment that is free from harassment or discrimination on the grounds of gender, marital status, sexual preference, pregnancy, race, age, impairment and religious or political conviction;
  • equal opportunity in employment and to have applications for positions treated on merit;
  • raise grievances in an atmosphere which is not threatening and without fear of retribution in accordance with the Staff Workplace Issues Policy and Procedures;
  • have all grievances and allegations made by or against you dealt with in a confidential and prompt manner.
  • participate in public life, including joining trade unions, political parties and interest groups;
  • be given adequate training and equipment to do the job;
  • be treated with respect and dignity and receive clear and honest communication from supervisors and managers;
  • have information about you kept confidential unless you give permission for it to be passed on;
  • fairness and equity in the way management administers the policies and procedures of Carestaff;
  • access the Board to express a grievance when the internal Workplace Issues process has been properly followed and your grievance:
  • asserts that the Chief Executive Officer has breached a Board policy to your detriment, and/or;
  • asserts that the Board has not provided adequate protection of your human rights;
  • provides verifiable evidence of this.

Access to the Board is via the Chairperson and the Board reserves the right to appoint an independent third party to mediate the matter or to investigate and recommend an appropriate course of action.

Code of Ethics

Ethics are a set of principles by which behaviour can be judged to be right or wrong. Our Code of Ethics sets the minimum standards of behaviour expected of Carestaff employees.

Guidelines on the Code of Ethics for Carestaff employees

The guidelines are intended to ensure that employees of Carestaff will deliver services in accordance with ‘Our Purpose’ and the following principles:

  1. Employees should perform their duties with professionalism and integrity.
  2. Employees should effectively and efficiently serve our Clients.
  3. Fairness and equity must be observed by our employees in dealings with Clients and stakeholders.
  4. Real or potential conflicts of interest are to be avoided.

Duty of Care

Employees are always expected to practice both General Duty of Care and Occupational Duty of Care. General Duty of Care refers to avoiding doing anything that would foreseeably cause harm to any person. Duty of Care is a requirement that a person, acts reasonably towards others and the public with reasonable attention and caution to avoid acts or omissions that could expose people, for whom there is responsibility, to a reasonably foreseeable risk of injury or harm.

Financial Probity and Accountability

Employees must ensure that in financial matters, including the handling of monies, they are fully accountable for all transactions or advice. Employees undertaking financial responsibilities, must observe all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements, and Carestaff’s financial policies and procedures.


Employees must perform their duties diligently in order to contribute effectively to achieve the desired performance of their workplace. Any employee who is negligent, careless, indolent, inefficient, or incompetent in the discharge of her/his duties will face disciplinary action.


Employees must be punctual in attendance, be on duty for the whole of normal working hours and must inform their manager if they will be absent from work.

Wastage and Extravagance

Employees must strive to attain value for money and avoid wastage or extravagance with usage of Carestaff’s resources. Facilities and other physical resources must be used for their appropriate purpose and maintained appropriately. If possible, employees should identify improvements to systems and procedures to achieve effective and efficient use of Carestaff’s resources.

Work Environment

Carestaff aims to foster and maintain good working relations. Employees must respect, and seek when necessary, the opinions of other employees and acknowledge their contribution.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Carestaff is committed to fairness and non-discrimination to maintain standards of equity, ethical conduct and accountability. All employees must ensure that Carestaff’s work environment is free of discrimination and harassment.

Criminal Offences

Any criminal offence or driving conviction of which an employee or volunteer has been found guilty either prior to commencing, or during employment with Carestaff, except where the offence is covered by a prescribed spent convictions scheme, must be advised to their manager who shall report it to the Chief Executive Officer. If an employee or volunteer is charged with any criminal offence punishable by imprisonment or is subject to legal proceedings in a civil court, the employee or volunteer must immediately advise their manager who shall report it to the Chief Executive Officer.


Employees are sometimes invited by other organisations to attend events. Employees may accept invitations in consultation with their manager if their attendance will be regarded as mutually reciprocal or will enhance networking. In accepting invitations, employees must be aware that they are representing Carestaff.


Employees must treat all people fairly, with sensitivity and involve them in decisions that affect them. Employees must be responsible for any decisions made and ensure that they have observed the legal requirements, established the facts and avoid improper exercise of powers.

Reporting of Unethical Behaviour

Employees must report any unethical behaviour or wrongdoing by any other staff member, volunteer or third party to an appropriate senior officer, without the fear of reprisal. Unethical behaviour may include any action that a staff member or volunteer believes is a violation of the law, policy, or regulation, or represents gross mismanagement, or is a danger to health or safety.

Courtesy to Clients and the Public

Employees must always be courteous and polite in dealings with clients and the public

Occupational Health and Safety

Carestaff is committed to a healthy, safe and secure work environment and employees are expected to become familiar with Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and legal obligations that impact on the way in which they undergo their duties. No smoking is permitted in Carestaff’s facilities, including offices, workplaces and motor vehicles.

Access and Equity

Carestaff will ensure that all Clients, employees regardless of race, culture, religion, gender or language are equally able to benefit from, and participate in. Employees should assist in identifying and eliminating any barriers to full access and equity so that Carestaff can communicate more effectively with its Clients.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Carestaff retains the copyright of any work or intellectual property produced by employees during their employment. Employees may retain the copyright or intellectual property of work only upon approval by the Chief Executive Officer, or if they can substantiate that Carestaff’s time, name, information or resources were not used in its production.

Confidentiality after Leaving Carestaff

Employees who leave Carestaff should not use confidential information obtained during employment to advantage a prospective employer or disadvantage Carestaff in its operations.

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