If you, or someone you are with is in immediate danger please call 000 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.
The impact of COVID-19 on our society has been huge. The reports around this have been overwhelming for many of us and there is almost nowhere you can turn to without being faced with another news story, another restriction, another confirmed case the list goes on.
Given the overload of information, we will start to feel emotions that we may have not experienced before and this is ok. The worry and anxious feelings about work, family our health are completely valid and is even more of a reason to ensure our Mental health is in check during this time of uncertainty.
There are fantastic resources available to encourage maintaining a healthy Mental state and we have taken a few key points from the ‘head to health’ government website to kickstart your awareness.
Remembering that as a Carestaff employee you have access to a Clinical Team as well a Debrief and Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The Carestaff EAP can be utililised as a result of a personal matter and can be arranged for internal staff and nurses.
Debrief – Is offered to staff that have been involved in work related Incidents and require support from external professionals
If you are looking for Mental Health Support, services such as Beyond Blue, Lifeline and the Black Dog Institute can assist. For more information about these organistions, please see links below: