Wintertime Fitness and Health Tips for Nurses
Winters are mostly mild in Queensland and Northern NSW, but that does not mean the wintertime blues won't influence your desire to stay fit and healthy.
Nurses focus so intently on the care and well-being of their patients that they sometimes forget to attend to their own health and wellness.
Why do nurses need to focus on fitness?
Talk to any nurse – especially an agency nurse – and they will tell you how difficult it is to focus on their own fitness. Nurses typically can spend 8 to 12 hours on their feet each day, rushing from one place to another to deliver care.
Nurses know they should care about maintaining their fitness and health because they give the same advice to many of their patients.
Following basic rules like, eating healthy meals and snacks, meeting physical activity recommendations, and getting a restful night’s sleep means you are less likely to develop serious health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. It also helps strengthen your immune system, which is important for nurses.
Benefits of physical exercise
Maintaining physical fitness can help manage your risk for disease and combat the stresses that come with a nursing career. It also helps build the physical stamina needed to survive long shifts on your feet and the strength needed for moving and lifting patients.
Tips for fitting in exercise
Your health is a priority. Finding time for exercise can be challenging but is not impossible. Take a strategic approach to regular exercise and ensures it fits into your schedule.
Here are some of the best ways to do it:
Like most goals, a commitment to your fitness requires a plan. Your plan should include the kinds of exercise you like best – yoga, walking, lifting weights, boxing – to ensure you stick with it.
Once you know what kinds of exercise you prefer, the next step is to decide what time of day coincides with your highest energy and motivation levels. This is the best time to engage in physical exercise to reap the most benefits.
Next, you must choose a convenient place to exercise. If you like to work out at the gym, choose a place with a 24/7 keycard entry option to accommodate nursing shifts or other tight schedules.
Finally, make sure you set yourself fitness goals, so you are motivated to keep exercising.
Nursing at times can be exhausting. When you get a day off, you are more than likely have a long list of things that require your immediate attention. See if you can add exercise to your list, even if you can only fit in a short walk around the block. For many people, walking outdoors beats heading to a gym for a workout indoors. You will also feel happier because you are moving your body.
Sneaking in exercise on the job is easier than you think. Here are some practical ways to carve in physical fitness during your shift:
•Do chair exercises while filing routine patient paperwork.
•Do isolation exercises like lunges and squats during breaks.
•Take a quick walk outside during your lunch break.
•Use the stairs instead of taking the elevator when it is an option.
•If you catch public transport, get off a stop early and walk the rest of the way to work
A final word on your health
Carestaff Nursing Services supports our nurses in their quest for maintaining health and wellness. Our flexible nursing opportunities allow you to prioritise exercise as part of a self-care routine. Get in touch today to explore your career options with us.
If you are looking to become an Agency Nurse with Carestaff, register with us today!